Monday, November 30, 2009


These are what we (Huey Lin and I) did today:-
  • Met up in school for IUC practice. Zhu Zhu did not turn up because she's not feeling well. :]
  • Watched so called "drama" in their marching skills. Funny but a bit worried!
  • Planned to clean up all the NINE first aid kits. I repeat myself, N-I-N-E.
  • Worked from 10am till 5pm . . . a total of 7 HOURS!
  • The kits are now so much cleaner than before. We even cleared off some expired stuff!
  • We found lots of unused items in the drawer, i.e. pocket masks, facial masks, mouth-to-mouth masks, wooden splints, gauze swabs, cotton wool and buds, ants and spider webs! We helped rearrange the items also.
  • Huey Lin's officially having phobia over ANTS! What's that kind of phobia called again? That's because in every single kits, you'll never fail to find ants in it! And the worst thing is, Huy Lin had goosebumps every time she saw them.

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