Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I have learned that you cant rely on others because they don't give a damn to it.
I'm tired of my life.
No one is there to support you when you need or even beg for their help.
You'll be blamed for whatever that they didn't do because as I said, they don't give a damn care for it!
I'm sick of the fact that out of a handful number of people, I can only count on a miserably miserable number of 6-7 humans.
When they're angry, they blab all those harsh and unkind words.
How would you feel if you're been blamed for not doing this and that?
I'll ask that person back, "How on earth are you to do these when I'm only having four limbs and no one to help me out?"
And I'm seriously sick of losing my stuff.
Especially with all those stupid errands to do, I'm turning grumpier from day to day.

I shall shut myself to my very own world where no one can ever invade into my life.
I'll just do whatever I'm supposed to do and their so-called responsibilities as well.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey whats up?? Relax kay!! :( Don't get frustrated! Is this related to duties or other stuff?? Chill Hooi Ping, I've been there, in fact so have nearly everyone else. Don't give up easily although that seems the easiest, be strong! In life, there's always gonna be idiots who can't be relied on, trust me, I know a lot. CHILL!! :)

p/s: Always here if you need advice or just a friend even if I'm not in school anymore! :)